Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Don't Slouch

Alright, I've been posting too many things on here, one would think I have too much time on my hands. Actually, it's not that at all, it's because I'm not going to bed until some god-awful hour of the morning & I just sit on this thing either watching The Office or laughing hysterically at Failblog.

I've just had to delete all my videos off of Facebook because I got some late-night infringement notice for the oldest video on there. It took them just short of 2 months to advise me that "Your video (not title) that was uploaded May 31... yada yada yada... INFRINGEMENT!!"

Ahh well, it was only a matter of time. & to be honest, I hadn't even thought about the whole using someone else's music & stealing it thing hahaa. Stupid me, I was really only thinking of the footage - it's only of me & people I know so this should be fine. HA!

The following is one of those painful & annoying surveys that eeeeveryone does, or used to do - when Myspace was cool. This is what I did at about 01:45 this morning...

What was the highlight of your week?

learning to play lawn bowls

Whose car were you in last?


What shirt are you wearing?

an american apparel charcoal, tri-blend crop tee - to be as descriptive as possible

How long is your hair?

not long enough

Last movie you watched?

'how to be'

Last thing you ate?

a scone

Last thing you drank?


What did you say last?


Where is your phone?

i'm not sure

What color are your eyes?

brown. i have brown eyes. hahaaaha

Are you left-handed?


Spell your name without vowels:


Do you have any pets?


What do you dislike currently?

ohhhh man

What are you listening to?

circle pit

What were you doing at midnight last night?

just going to bed

When is your birthday?

sometime this year

Who has the same phone as you?

a lot of people. not good

Last time you went swimming in a pool?

a little while ago now, it was a bit too chilly there for sometime

Do you read your horoscope?

at times

Where was the last place you bought something?

apples at the grocery store

How do you feel about your hair right now?

ha it's pretty shitty

Do you bite your nails?


Myspace or facebook?

neither, actually

How fast have you driven a car?

ohh i'm not real sure

Have you ever smoked?

yeah, the wheels on my car, burning rubber down the highway. clocked at 110 in an 50 zone. i didn't even realise i had left the highway. long story... mate.

What was or is your favorite subject in school?


Do you have Verizon?

"Hi my name is [INSERT NAME] from Verizon."

"Alright, so if you could just confirm your customers details for me..."

"Oh MY customooorrrs details, oooh-k. i will need to call you back for dis one maaam. tank-you por cooorlling Verizon."

Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?


What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?

45 minutes to get organised. then off to lawn bowls BOYZZZZ!!

Did you take a nap today?


Who has the same birthday as you?

robert redford

Ever met anyone famous before?


Do you want to be famous one day?


Any Pet Peeves?

a few

Are you multitasking right now?


Last place you drove your car?

to the petrol station haha

Ever been out of the country?

fuck ya

What is your average cell phone bill?

"have you got your CELL PHONE in front of your PEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEE??!"

Who are you thinking about right now?

my name is SCOTT.

When was the last time you laughed REALLY hard?

last time we discussed scott's back

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

too many

What are you doing today?

going down to the bowling green to start with...

What's the stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?


What is your dream car?

like a datsun, or a valiant

Have you ever wanted someone you cant have?

of course

If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?

ahhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Are you happy with your life?


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