Monday, March 19, 2012

fuck hollows

So today I was at the shops on my lunch break running errands for work. I was late & needed to get back to work fast & I left my phone at work so I had no idea how late I actually was, but I had spent a long time standing in line at the post office & I could feel it was probably close to 20 minutes...
I was on the home stretch, heading towards to carpark when a Fred Hollows man calls me over, "sorry man, I need to get back to work." "I won't take up much of your time, I promise..." "Can't afford to give money I'm sorry..." "No, darl, don't worry, we're just wanting to get as many peoples names as we can to show who thinks Fred Hollws does good." "Oh ok, well make it quick" "Yada yada yada what bank do you bank with & what are your bank deets?" All of this came AFTER I had signed my name to show that I though Fred Hollows did good... I said I didn't know my deets & I had to get going... Next thing he was phoning the bank saying they'll be quick. "Hey man, I said no money, I'm going!" He threw me a carbon copy of my deets & I took off, but now that I've had the whole day to think about it, I'm not feeling so easy he has so much information on me. I think I'll be going back tomorrow to ask for the original maybe?
What a slimy prick.

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