Wednesday, February 1, 2012



  1. That picture of David Gilmour has sparked an unimaginable urge to watch the Pompeii concert again...Uuuuuughhh

  2. Arrghhh Geoffrey!! That's fantastic to hear :) I demand that if you don't already have a copy with you, you go out & find Live In Pompeii as soon as humanly possible! It never gets old...

    While I'm at it, how's NZ treating you pair?
    What's your plan after coming back home? Work & travel some more or looking at moving somewhere & settling down?

  3. Yes, I need a copy ASAP. When I watch it, I swear I can smell Callum's room.

    NZ is good. Mum, Dad, Renae, Jade and Brad left yesterday after a week of staying. Andy and Anna (whom I was in Edinburgh with) are coming to visit tomorrow.

    How is Ben going at the confectionary warehouse? And you with your Receptioning? (Is that correct?)

    No plans for back home yet apart from visiting Dreamworld and White-Waterworld on the way back to T-Ville and then getting Sonja's visa. I'll get my job back at the pub. I think we'll have another Oz road-trip once the visa is sorted though. Wait and see I guess.

    We're aiming to be back in early August by the way, so if you're planning a trip to Brisbane in the next year, make it then.

    Oh, you should make more "Where's Wally" Blogs.

  4. yeah Ben's really enjoying his job - no more cranky customers, late nights or weekends & same with me... so that's all going pretty darn swell.

    i'd definitely recommend the theme parks, heapsa fun :)

    we haven't got any plans for another Brisbane trip just yet, but i'd like to check out Melbourne next i think, & it seems to be cheaper to fly there than it is to Brisbane.

    also, i'd make more 'where's wally' blogs if i had more photos & as you can see, we ran out of creativity pretty quickly.

    over & out.
