Well, I had to get quite a large picture frame today. I wanted an old one though, one with character & dints haha. Yeah I found one. Yeah I dropped it on the road on the way to the car & it fell into 4 bits haha. AHrrrGH FOOK IT!!
While I was there - at the op shop, again yes - I found a projector. A huuuuge one! It was approximately the size of an esky. A large esky of course. I couldn't imagine that being fun, carting it from house to house, showing people slides of god knows what. How tall your child grew each week. How long your nose hair grew when you didn't trim it for a month. How fat you got from eating all of those deep fried sarnies day in, day out...
I just couldn't get over how big this thing was. I have one from 1961 & damn it, I AM going to have a slide night one of these days (nights). The only thing stopping me is getting the slides & getting the slides developed. I have enough trouble just getting my Holga done.
This afternoon I got home, had a big ice cold glass of apple juice & sat down at my computer. Got on Bookface & saw that Tame Impala were going to be on Triple J at about 16:30 - I look at my clock - 16:30 ON THE EFFING DOT!! So I ran out to my car, ripped the keys in the ignition & turned that mutha of a dial. Half Full Glass Of Wine was halfway through playing, then the boys began talking. Now I don't know how much I missed, but it was one of the quickest interviews I've heard. Then Cypress Hill played. The volume decreased & that key withdrew. I think it's weird that Cypress Hill is one of Tame Impala's influences. Maybe I just haven't heard their "good stuff".
I had a tremendous Easter. The whole day was about records! Vinyl records that is...
Usually on a Friday, or some night of the week, dad & I will rip into his record stash & just let it play, but we haven't done that for a little while.
So on Easter Sunday I spent hours rummaging through these 2 big wooden treasure chests full to the brim of records. I looked at every single one. In one sitting. Obviously I've looked at most of them over the years, but I don't believe I've ever done so in one sitting. If you saw how many there were, you would understand.
There's this 3 volume sleeve with the whole recording of Woodstock. Woodstock LIVE on vinyl!! The sleeve is just full of photos of nakies wrapped in ponchos, Hendrix, the sky, the mud...
This is just a handful of some of my favourites, though you can't see them that well...
Alright, I'm going to go start reading The Rum Diary by Hunter S. Thompson.
You live such an eclectic and eccentric life! I wish I was interesting :(
ReplyDeleteI've seen those chests in action I believe.