Today I felt like this...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Whatever it is you're looking for, you won't find it here.
Beach Boys: Pet Sounds
Cream: Wheels of Fire
Crosby, Still & Nash: Crosby, Stills & Nash
Miles Davis: Bitches Brew
Bob Dylan: Blonde on Blonde
Jimi Hendrix: Axis: Bold as Love
Jethro Tull: Stand Up
Led Zeppelin: Led Zeppelin II
Joni Mitchell: Blue
The Mothers of Invention: We're Only In It For The Money
Rolling Stones: Get Yer Ya Ya's Out!
Rolling Stones: Big Hits (High Tide & Green Grass)
Santana: Abraxas
Neil Young: After The Gold Rush
The Who: Tommy
Simon & Garfunkel: Bookends
Above is the record collection from Almost Famous. I'm working on it...
I FINALLY saw Into The Wild last week! I've been 'going' to see it for about 6 months now & it just kept slipping into the back of my mind. So last weekend my friend Callum suggested we watch it - for him it was approximately his 59th time.
Maaaan did I cry! It was so uplifting & inspiring then BOOOOM!!...
After everything he did surviving off the land, it was the freedom & everything that he was striving for, that was his demise - mistaking an edible potato root with a poisonous wild sweet pea.
After watching this movie I had to know more about Christopher Mccandless' background - I read on the trustworthy wikipedia that an autopsy was performed on him & they found that he actually died of starvation & not by ingesting the poisonous plant.
Also, when Christopher decided to leave the bus he was living in, his path was blocked by the Teklanika River, so he was forced to return. Though if he had have taken a rough map of the area, or wandered upstream, he would have found that there was a hand operated tram to cross the river, only a quarter of a mile from where he had tried to cross originally. AND there were cabins stocked with emergency supplies just a few miles from the bus. Then again, even if he knew about the supplies he probably would have chosen not to utilise them.
I want my fruit pie WITHOUT the crust!
This performance sounds incredible - I think so anyway.
Monday, April 19, 2010
More fings wot I like.



What a concept.


It looks as though this place just fell out of the sky.

Imagine waking up in this room.

An art project - growing bananas in a building.
"Myriad Harbour" The New Pornographers from Fluorescent Hill on Vimeo.
Images via &
Friday, April 16, 2010
Toast To Lenny
I played Nintendo 64 today!! AHHHHHhhhhh!!
It was soooo good! Played a bit of Golden Eye & some Mario Party. Gosh, it was so much fun.
I think tomorrow it would be fitting to play the old playstation with some Vice City. Ooooh yeahh!
Today I also had a listen to Tame Impala Runway, Houses, City, Clouds - it was mesmerizing.
I'm going to get my hands on this bad boy - it's called the "animal stack".
I also found that I had Kurt Cobain's Journals. He wrote every single thought about every single thing. I once watched a doco about how the way his body was found & the way in which he died was apparently meant to have been impossible as he wouldn't have been able to pull the trigger, so I always kinda figured well maybe Courtney just did it after an all night bender - but after reading these journal entries of his, he was pretty mad.
I was driving home this afternoon & I was pretty dazed. I had the music reasonably loud & my head wasn't quite with me. Learning To Fly was playing & I was really into it while I was stopped at lights, singing "Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky, tongue-tied & twisted just an earthbound misfit, I"... Beeeeeeeepp!! DAMN! Missed a whole cycle of lights. Just as I looked up they were turning red again. Haaahaa suckers...
I've been taking Hugo for runs & I got a new pair of trainers. They look old & ratty & came from the UK.
& last but not least, I ordered my copy of Tame Impala's Innerspeaker on vinyl.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Hey! You! Get off Of My Cloud
Just a quick late night entry here boooyyz.
Today I passed this guy who had the most magnificently white beard. It was so white that it looked like he had just thrown his chin into a bucket of frothing white paint. It was blinding.
The other day I got a Himalayan Salt Lamp. It's just a big chunk of salt from the Himalayas, that works as a natural air purifier. Because TV's & computer monitors give off positive ions, it pushes the brain wave frequency to the limit which causes stress & headaches, etc, apparently. So the salt lamp gives off negative ions which balances everything out & makes everything happy. It's bizarre but it's meant to be really good for you, like the air near a waterfall or the ocean has the same ion balanced atmosphere. Yes, I did lick it - it's the saltiest, most bitter thing ever.
It did something for my cat. She sat beside it for hours, then I turned it off & she was seeking light. Eventually she sat on a bed facing the sun coming through a window.
I also got 3 more records - Bob Dylan Highway 61 Revisited, Chicago 16, & Vampire Weekend Contra. Slowly but surely, I'm building my collection.
I'm on 4 days off at the moment. It's suuuch a good feeling not having to be anywhere. I HAVE to clean my room though! As it is, I can't even walk through it. I stand at my door, find a piece of empty ground & jump to it, then try & work around the place from that position. It's repulsive.
I took Hugo for his first walk today. It was quite a difficult task. He's such a hound & because he's a Beagle his sense of smell is through the roof. It was only a short walk down a few streets & he came across this apple core down my street, that he shoved his nose right into. Then come the end of the walk he dropped it at the corner of my street - he had carried it with his the whole time, just carried it, didn't try to eat it or anything.
"Music has always been a matter of energy to me, a question of fuel. Sentimental people call it inspiration, but what they really mean is fuel. I have always needed fuel. I am a serious consumer. On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio." - Hunter S. Thompson
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Chapter 24
Well, I had to get quite a large picture frame today. I wanted an old one though, one with character & dints haha. Yeah I found one. Yeah I dropped it on the road on the way to the car & it fell into 4 bits haha. AHrrrGH FOOK IT!!
While I was there - at the op shop, again yes - I found a projector. A huuuuge one! It was approximately the size of an esky. A large esky of course. I couldn't imagine that being fun, carting it from house to house, showing people slides of god knows what. How tall your child grew each week. How long your nose hair grew when you didn't trim it for a month. How fat you got from eating all of those deep fried sarnies day in, day out...
I just couldn't get over how big this thing was. I have one from 1961 & damn it, I AM going to have a slide night one of these days (nights). The only thing stopping me is getting the slides & getting the slides developed. I have enough trouble just getting my Holga done.
This afternoon I got home, had a big ice cold glass of apple juice & sat down at my computer. Got on Bookface & saw that Tame Impala were going to be on Triple J at about 16:30 - I look at my clock - 16:30 ON THE EFFING DOT!! So I ran out to my car, ripped the keys in the ignition & turned that mutha of a dial. Half Full Glass Of Wine was halfway through playing, then the boys began talking. Now I don't know how much I missed, but it was one of the quickest interviews I've heard. Then Cypress Hill played. The volume decreased & that key withdrew. I think it's weird that Cypress Hill is one of Tame Impala's influences. Maybe I just haven't heard their "good stuff".
I had a tremendous Easter. The whole day was about records! Vinyl records that is...
Usually on a Friday, or some night of the week, dad & I will rip into his record stash & just let it play, but we haven't done that for a little while.
So on Easter Sunday I spent hours rummaging through these 2 big wooden treasure chests full to the brim of records. I looked at every single one. In one sitting. Obviously I've looked at most of them over the years, but I don't believe I've ever done so in one sitting. If you saw how many there were, you would understand.
There's this 3 volume sleeve with the whole recording of Woodstock. Woodstock LIVE on vinyl!! The sleeve is just full of photos of nakies wrapped in ponchos, Hendrix, the sky, the mud...
This is just a handful of some of my favourites, though you can't see them that well...
Alright, I'm going to go start reading The Rum Diary by Hunter S. Thompson.
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