Not a whole lot has been happening on the home front lately. I'm sick & gross at the moment & had a visit with the doc today. I don't like going to the doctors. I feel as though I'm going to catch something just from stepping foot in the door, which is probably very likely. Not a fan.
Last weekend Ben & I went all DIY on everyones arses & Ben purchased this awesome display cabinet from Salvo's & we went to Bunnings & got paint & all the handy things & got new cabinet door knobs from this cool antique shop & revamped it! It looks quite incredible, although these photos do not do it justice whatsoever...
We also found ourselves these awesome toys too!
I got myself a copy of the new Kings Of Leon "Talihina Sky". Although there is pretty much next to nothing about the music in it, I enjoyed it a lot. Its only real downfall was in its bonus material, they definitely should have included all of their "Only By The Night: Home Movies" because I personally love them so much. Guess I can't have my cake & eat it too... Or can I ?