I must admit, I am a sucker for Judd Apatow flicks.
For several weeks now I haven't been able to stop reciting 'Step Brothers' quotes & it's kinda getting on my nerves because I sound like such a dick.
I think my peak was the other weekend when Ben & I went to Mackay. We hopped into bed & settled in & I didn't even realise I was talking out loud, but I was reciting the part when Dale & Brennan are in bed whispering to each other...
Dale Doback: [whispering] "Hey, you awake?"
Brennan Huff: [also whispering] "Yeah."
Dale Doback: "I just want you to know I hate you. And so does my dad."
Brennan Huff: "Well that's fine. Cause guess what? I hate you too. And this house sucks ass."
Dale Doback: "Well the only reason you're living here, is because me and my dad decided that your mom was really hot, and maybe we should just both bang her, and we'll put up with the retard in the meantime."
Brennan Huff: "Who's the retard?"
Dale Doback: "You."
Brennan Huff: [raising his voice] "Hey ya'll don't say that!"
Dale Doback: "Shut up! You'll wake up my dad and get me grounded."
Brennan Huff: "Just shut up!"
Dale Doback: "You and your mom are hilbillies. This is a house of learned doctors."
Brennan Huff: "You're not a doctor... you're a big, fat, curly-headed fuck!"
Dale Doback: [Dale turns his face to Brennan] "Oh yeah?"
Brennan Huff: [Brennan turns his face to Dale] "Yeah."
Dale Doback: "I'm a curly-headed fuck?"
Brennan Huff: "Yeah. You better not go to sleep, cause as soon as your eyes shut I'm gonna punch you square in the face."
Dale Doback: "I hope you stay still when you sleep, cause I'm gonna put a rat trap between your legs."
Brennan Huff: "I'm going to take a pillowcase, and fill it full of bars of soap, and beat the shit out of you."
[Dale turns away from Brennan]
Dale Doback: "I want you out of my fucking house!"
Ben started laughing & told me to stop & start again so he could say Dale's lines hahaa so that was pretty fun & not to boast, but we're getting pretty good at it... Such dicks, I know :)