I'm venturing onto my fourth Vanilla Latte for the day & I'm feeling really good about this addiction. They certainly didn't keep me awake as I fell asleep for about 2 hours this afternoon until I woke up in a manic sweat - definitely not attractive.
I'm almost finished my xmas shopping & I must say that I'm pretty happy with my purchases. I'm not sure of what the people will think who I'm giving them to, but if they don't want them I won't hesitate in keeping them for myself.
Sooo it seems as though I'm also slightly addicted to a little game on the iPhone called Smurf's Village. I'm in an unofficial competition with a couple a friends - they're unaware of this, though I have absolutely no chance of catching up - that measly possibility has me working pretty hard at it... excuse me, I have Blackberries to harvest...