Thursday, March 25, 2010

Time On My Hands

For work tomorrow I have to wear a bed sheet. It's Indian Day apparently & they strictly advised just a white sheet. So I went to Vinnies & got a super old brown floral print sheet. They also wanted Indian food, so I decided on some poppadoms & this weird looking ginger candy that's packed in what appears to be a seedy looking soft cigarette box, but all the warnings are in another language - if you can't read it, it must be safe. WAIT A MINUTE - the damn ginger candy is made in Indonesia!

During my time at Vinnies I purchased Kate Bush Never For Ever on vinyl for $1. The picture on the front looks strangely fantastic.

I also got a heap of X Files books. One of which was actually a diary from 1997.
During the month of February, whoever previously owned this diary must have gone through a period of keeping track of their enemy levels - whatever the hell that is. On February 3rd it looks as though this persons enemy level was at an all time high at a "Phase 7". What that means exactly, I have no idea. That phase looks as though it continued throughout that week where it dropped completely on Friday & by Saturday there was no enemy level whatsoever. I can only assume that's what they would have called a "Phase 0".
The following week, starting Monday 10th, it began with an enemy level of "Phase 4", not peaking but definitely up there. Believe it or not, but this phase actually lasted right up until Sunday 23rd. A 13 day phase! Lucky it didn't carry on longer because on Thursday 27th, they had to be a "Duty Driver" - it sounds very important.
Then in March on Monday 10th & Tuesday 11th, there was some sort of "Space Display". Then on Wednesday 12th they "Leave". Where did they go, who knows - possibly to "Space". Then a guy called Phill had a record breaking 5 day wedding from the 14th to the 18th!

The other day I was flicking through channels & I came across this movie called 20 Dates. It's basically this doco about a guy who goes on 20 dates haha. I bet you couldn't have guessed THAT ONE!! But he doesn't tell the ladies that they're being filmed, then when he thinks the date is going good, he tells them & they flip out, etc! It sounds really shit the way I'm describing it, but it was pretty hilarious.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Faded Glory

I just purchased my monthly magazine stash. This time consisting of only Uncut & Zen. Every month the newsagency seems to have less & less of the magazines I want. So each time, I seem to get a different one, which is good I guess because I like seeing who writes about the same stuff & who dares to be different.
The Uncut I got came with a CD which I was lucky enough to get 2 of the same. There's one band on there called Comets On Fire which I listened to on Myspace ages ago & thought they were kinda alright, but I couldn't find their stuff anywhere else. There's also some T Rex & Hendrix in the mag. Good photos.
I was reading some of it about Hendrix & there's a photo of him arriving at his last concert in Fehmarn, Germany on September 9 1970. It's weird because that's my friends birthday & mine is August 18, which was the same date that Hendrix played at Woodstock 1969.

I remember years ago I had this dream when I didn't know much about Hendrix & the dream was just him handing me his white strat. That was it. Then I found out he played that strat at Woodstock, August 18.

Marc Bolan was so cool. His death was so bizarre, how he never learnt to drive because of his fear of dying in a car crash & that was his demise, right near Gypsy Lane (he was a hippy). I like this photo of him heaps...

I just have to throw this one of Angus Stone in, for good measure.

He's so hairy you can hardly see his face.

Now because I have extra days off - I was meant to be in Mackay but the cyclone warnings took precedence - I'm finding I'm not doing much with my days, except walking, reading, watching & listening.
I guess that's what life consists of. On an ordinary day I walk, eat, watch, listen, want, need, laugh & sleep. Each day though, it just varies slightly as to where I walk, what I eat, what I watch, if I decide to listen then what it is I listen to, what I want stays much the same, what I need does too most times, what I laugh at will mostly fall into a category of it's own that not many other people would laugh at, & sleep stays very much the same.
One day though I will quit my job & without any plans I will go & do something zesty - zesty? possibly electrifying? something that will get my bones shaking would be nice.

images via Uncut & Zen magazines

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fings Wot I Like

A painting I did.

An old polo. Much better than mine, it's only downfall is it's lacking cruise control.

Jack & Meg should definitely be together.

This photo is so clever. It just keeps going & going & going...

This is a very early Kings Of Leon. I love that it looks so old.

images via Flickr

Rude Awakening At 7:03

The phone started ringing at 7:03 this morning. Startled, I jumped out of bed to answer it, hearing an unfamiliar voice, not awake enough to comprehend that it was actually my Aunty. So I hung up on her.
Not 2 minutes later she rang again. I couldn't believe that this person would be rude enough to keep ringing. I had already told her I didn't recognise the voice. But she persisted.
About minute after it rang again. This time mum answered & found it was my Aunty ringing to see if we got smashed by the cyclone because they apparently got hammered. No, we weren't affected.

God I had nightmare last night. I haven't had a nightmare in a long long time.
I was being chased by 2 people who were trying to capture me for some reason. They had a lot of cats that followed them and they kept scratching me really deep. I was bleeding a fair bit, then this huge cat scratched my left hand & got my thumb pretty bad. Then I felt this gush & blood was pouring out of my thumb, then because I was running away in my dream my heart was beating fast, so with every heart beat the blood poured out more & more. So I ran around for a while with my arm up in the air. I kept my arm up a little too long & my thumb started dying because it wasn't getting a blood supply.
When I woke up, my arm was so far above me & was so far asleep I couldn't move it without the aid of my right hand. It was a bit of a task, but I eventually got my arm to hang over the bed so it would wake up.
It was intense.

I'm going to have some breakfast boyyyzz.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Repeat After Me: I Am Free

This blog will just be a scramble of things I like, things I find, things I like to find, & finding things that I like.

Today I got home after a 24 hour pursuit to see Angus & Julia Stone. Their support band, Boy & Bear were fantastic! They're very much the Australian version of Fleet Foxes. Have a listen -
Angus & Julia Stone were amazing! Angus is so ridiculously good looking with that beard. I think the messier the boy looks, the better. Don't get me wrong, I'm not turned on by the homeless men that don't shave, but definitely a nice boy with luscious locks.
If you don't have a beard though, why not get one made -

The whole concert was such a turn on though. I was in this dream-like trance. Noone else was around me except the music.

I wrote my granny a letter the other week. She's just gotten into emailing heaps, so I thought it'd be nice for her to receive an actual letter rather than an email.
This was no ordinary letter though, this was the world's smallest letter. The letter comes sealed with a tiny wax seal, then it's put in a larger envelope with a larger wax seal & a magnifying glass. Have a look -

The White Stripes are one of my favourite bands of all time. They just released a new DVD called Under Great White Northern Lights. It's definitely in my top 5 music DVD's, alongside Pink Floyd: Live At Pompeii, & Led Zeppelin The Song Remains The Same.
The White Stripes previous DVD Under Blackpool Lights was great, but this one has a totally different take. It has little interviews just with Jack & Meg rather than it being all music. It's heaps more intimate because of that. Watch it!

I have quite a list of DVD's to watch. I've got Cream Disraeli Gears, Radiohead Meeting People Is Easy, Taking Woodstock, & the entire Seinfeld series.
Speaking of which, I'm going to watch Seinfeld right now.

Ta. x