For work tomorrow I have to wear a bed sheet. It's Indian Day apparently & they strictly advised just a white sheet. So I went to Vinnies & got a super old brown floral print sheet. They also wanted Indian food, so I decided on some poppadoms & this weird looking ginger candy that's packed in what appears to be a seedy looking soft cigarette box, but all the warnings are in another language - if you can't read it, it must be safe. WAIT A MINUTE - the damn ginger candy is made in Indonesia!
During my time at Vinnies I purchased Kate Bush Never For Ever on vinyl for $1. The picture on the front looks strangely fantastic.
I also got a heap of X Files books. One of which was actually a diary from 1997.
During the month of February, whoever previously owned this diary must have gone through a period of keeping track of their enemy levels - whatever the hell that is. On February 3rd it looks as though this persons enemy level was at an all time high at a "Phase 7". What that means exactly, I have no idea. That phase looks as though it continued throughout that week where it dropped completely on Friday & by Saturday there was no enemy level whatsoever. I can only assume that's what they would have called a "Phase 0".
The following week, starting Monday 10th, it began with an enemy level of "Phase 4", not peaking but definitely up there. Believe it or not, but this phase actually lasted right up until Sunday 23rd. A 13 day phase! Lucky it didn't carry on longer because on Thursday 27th, they had to be a "Duty Driver" - it sounds very important.
Then in March on Monday 10th & Tuesday 11th, there was some sort of "Space Display". Then on Wednesday 12th they "Leave". Where did they go, who knows - possibly to "Space". Then a guy called Phill had a record breaking 5 day wedding from the 14th to the 18th!
The other day I was flicking through channels & I came across this movie called 20 Dates. It's basically this doco about a guy who goes on 20 dates haha. I bet you couldn't have guessed THAT ONE!! But he doesn't tell the ladies that they're being filmed, then when he thinks the date is going good, he tells them & they flip out, etc! It sounds really shit the way I'm describing it, but it was pretty hilarious.